Our Life in Carmel
St. Teresa prayed: “I am yours, born for you, what do you want of me?”
Captivated by the love and person of Jesus Christ and desiring a life of intimate friendship with Him, we are a community of Discalced Carmelite Nuns whose spirit and way of life have come down to us from Saint Teresa of Avila. Mary holds a special place in our lives and we rejoice in many Saints who have lived the Carmelite life and gone before us.
St. Teresa wanted our daily lives to be characterized by a blend of solitude and the sharing of life with our sisters in community and so it is that our charism combines a life of solitary and communal prayer with the Gospel ideal of pouring oneself out in love and service.
Carmelite spirituality centers on seeking and finding the God who is Love and responding to that love through a life of prayer and community. Does this touch the desire of your heart? For more information about a life in Carmel, contact Sister Marjorie.
Requirements for Vocation Candidates:
- single woman between the ages of 21 and mid-forties
- a practicing Roman Catholic
- general good health
- college and/or equivalent work experience
Prayer for Vocations
Gracious God, throughout the ages you have called women seeking you to embrace the Carmelite way of life.
We ask you to continue to draw women desiring you to this life of intimacy with God lived in silence, solitude and community.
Bless the Carmelite family throughout the world with new members. Call women to follow you as Discalced Carmelite Nuns, enabling this life of prayer for the needs of all people to flourish as a wellspring of healing, transformation and peace, bearing fruit for all humanity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN